
Showing posts from May, 2022

Another thought

 What is the real impact of inflation.... families have to choose. Do we buy shoes or food. No more trips to the movies. Not being able to buy an ice cream treat. Maybe not being able to sign up for an extracurricular like soccer or baseball. Having smaller grocery hauls because prices of all items went up because of inflation. My husband buys granola from a particular store. It was $2.68 one week. The next week it was $3.18. 50 cents in one week. WHAT? 19% increase in one week? Inflation is never OK. Inflation means less  for everyone except those in power. 


 I am a middle-aged wife and mother of four grown children who teaches the best kids in a public school and absolutely loves her job. I just want to put my thoughts out into the universe. No one needs to read this, but if you do, please know these are MY thoughts. Everything on here comes from my brain and my research. So here goes: We, in America, live in a capitalistic society. This means the free market and the economy are front and center. When the economy is healthy, it benefits everyone. There is money for many more programs than when it isn't.  There is a pride in earning your own money and being able to spend it as you wish, and not paying a boatload of taxes. When the economy is healthy, you don't have shortages. People are able to buy their wants, not only their needs. This isn't of course every family, as there are many families that are in dire need. But, I haven't heard of inflation moving in a truly long time. I certainly haven't thought of families ne