So the democrats care about the average person?

 So, the party that touts itself as for the average people, are really screwing it up for the country. People really have to choose between paying for gas to go to work  and feeding their families. The price of gas is literally insane. I filled up my tank for $88.78. WHAT!!!!?????? For a person not as fortunate as myself, this is the choice between work and feeding their family. How is that doing what's best for the average American? I had a conversation with a friend who said their kids were so excited about working for $16 an hour. However, they didn't realize that raise in minimum wage means food costs more to eat. Disillusionment is a real problem. Not knowing how business works is a dangerous thing not to know. Before you speak about a living wage or gas prices are acceptable, know that families are really struggling and democrat policies are not helping them. 
